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Shadow Puppetry

Shadow Puppetry

Workinng in a local school, Sheffield - to make a shadow pupppet production based on the theme of 'circus.'

Leaning Tower of Pisa Hat

Leaning Tower of Pisa Hat

Creating carnival items based on Italy for The Lord Mayors Parade, Sheffield

Dragon Parade

Dragon Parade

Working with a local school to create large scale puppets and carnival items. For the Lord Mayors Parade, Sheffield.

Mask Making

Mask Making

At Ratu Navula College, Fiji

Puppet Workshop

Puppet Workshop

Working with local children to create puppets using photographs of objects and our surroundings

Food Hat Workshop

Food Hat Workshop

Making large carnival hats based on the theme of food. Collaborative project with Daisy Frossard

Shadow Puppet workshop

Shadow Puppet workshop

Shadow Puppet Workshop

Shadow Puppet Workshop

Giant Props

Giant Props

French Knitted Finger Puppets

French Knitted Finger Puppets

Made for a workshop in Queensland, Australia

Giant Puppet

Giant Puppet

Made for a local schools parade

Paper Bag Puppet

Paper Bag Puppet

Giant Paper Puppet

Giant Paper Puppet

Made with children at Parkwood Academy, Sheffield.

 Here at The Travelling Shadow Theatre, we are passionate about working with people to enhance creative freedom and confidence.


We carry out a range of puppetry, theatre and art workshops - and are happy to create and deliver an inspiring program that suits your needs.  Please feel free to contact Lois if you would like to discuss a project further at info(at)

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