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Shadow PuppetryWorkinng in a local school, Sheffield - to make a shadow pupppet production based on the theme of 'circus.' | Leaning Tower of Pisa HatCreating carnival items based on Italy for The Lord Mayors Parade, Sheffield |
Dragon ParadeWorking with a local school to create large scale puppets and carnival items. For the Lord Mayors Parade, Sheffield. | Mask MakingAt Ratu Navula College, Fiji |
Puppet WorkshopWorking with local children to create puppets using photographs of objects and our surroundings | Food Hat WorkshopMaking large carnival hats based on the theme of food. Collaborative project with Daisy Frossard |
Shadow Puppet workshop | Shadow Puppet Workshop |
Giant Props | French Knitted Finger PuppetsMade for a workshop in Queensland, Australia |
Giant PuppetMade for a local schools parade | Paper Bag Puppet |
Giant Paper PuppetMade with children at Parkwood Academy, Sheffield. |
Here at The Travelling Shadow Theatre, we are passionate about working with people to enhance creative freedom and confidence.
We carry out a range of puppetry, theatre and art workshops - and are happy to create and deliver an inspiring program that suits your needs. Please feel free to contact Lois if you would like to discuss a project further at info(at)
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